Browsing Microsoft Fabric OneLake storage via the Windows App, similar to the OneDrive app is nice, but to help understand what else is happening underneath, looking at the files through Azure Storage Explorer can be even better.
Like all Microsoft cloud storage, OneLake uses the following sub domains and prefixes to access both Blob and Data Lake (equivalent) file systems.
Then these base URLs you can be expanded where you can expect to find the following hierarchy of content. With no real surprises if your familiar with how a Delta Lake table looks in storage.
Base URL
{Workspace GUID}
{Lakehouse GUID}
{Table Name}
{File Number}.json
{File Number}.checkpoint.parquet
part-00000-{File GUID}.snappy.parquet
To access your OneLake using Azure Storage Explorer first get the GUID for a given Microsoft Fabric workspace. This can be found if you look at your address bar in your preferred browser for your Microsoft Fabric tenant. Example below.
Then, open Azure Storage Explorer and connect to a new resource. Select the ADLS Gen2 Container or Directory connector.
Choose OAuth to authenticate and sign in via the browser prompts to access your tenant. These steps are implied and not included in the screenshots.
Next, select your user details from the list, if you have multiple account and enter the connection information as follows. Enter a suitable name for the new resource connection. Then add your URL, this is the base URL (as above), plus the Fabric workspace GUID copying from your browser address bar.
For example:
Finish the connection wizard and return to your main storage explorer panels. Now with a new connection to your chosen Fabric workspace and OneLake storage.
Happy browsing.
Many thanks for reading.