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Cloud Formations Office Hours

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

On the last Thursday of every month we'll be hosting all Cloud Formations community members in our Office Hours call.

We are passionate about technology and sharing that knowledge with others is what gets us up in the morning. We therefore feel proud to be able to invest this time back into the community and facilitate some great conversations with other like-minded data professionals. Join us on Teams for an open conversation, town hall style, ask us anything. Including, but not limited to:

  • Socialising

  • Virtual Coffee

  • Pointed Q&A

  • Geekology (yes, its a thing)

  • Open Discussions

  • Hot Topics

  • Technical Opinions

  • Light Humour

  • Frank Conversation

  • General Debate

Sign up as a Cloud Formations community member for open access to our Office Hours call and other great resources.

All meetings will be recorded and published for other members to consume on-demand.

Thanks for visiting our blog.

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